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Mana Cloud Craft Paint Nights

Tabletop Craft Paint Night

October 9 @ 2:00 pmOctober 10 @ 7:00 pm

Tabletop Craft Paint Night at Mana Cloud

Want a safe space to bust out some paint? Looking for a friendly social atmosphere to craft around? Surrounded by unpainted mini figures and need an excuse to get started? Hoping to use a few cheap paints to practice with without the financial commitment?

Starting in August, we will be holding two back-to-back casual tabletop craft paint nights the second Wednesday & Thursday every month at Mana Cloud! Intended for hobbyists of all skill levels, we are opening the doors to the community to unwind and use our tables as a creative space. Enjoy the event for free and bring any of your own materials to work with, or pay a $5 cover charge to use any of the store’s available craft painting materials.


2-7pm Every second Wed & Thurs of the month
Free, or $5 cover charge (per person per night) to access the store’s community craft paint

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October 9 @ 2:00 pm
October 10 @ 7:00 pm
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Mana Cloud
293 W 3rd St
Lafayette, OR 97127 United States
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