Turn a rebellious backside to the day of love and join our guest DMs for a whimsically un-romantic anti-Valentine’s homebrew one-shot RPG hosted at Mana Cloud on Saturday, Feb 15th starting at 11am!
The day has passed. But will soon come again. Today, we gather ourselves and remember. Ears worn to husk from the simpering whispers of deliria. Throat raw in the aftermath of savage passions brought screaming from us. Fingers stained in the testimony of a prior chocolate brutality. Hearts lining your vision, beating wet with the fervor of hideous twitterpation, harder and louder, your vision bleary and nauseous with pink and red glittered hues, flooding your brain with an endorphic mess of dizzying messages written colorfully within the sugared hearts tossed at the back of your head by the cherubs laughing hideously from their hidden canopy. You pick one up. It cheerfully reads “Be Mine Or Just Die Already!”
The day has passed. But will soon come again.
Space is limited, first-come-first-serve. To reserve your seat, please use the form near the top of the page. Note that registration is not required to play, but should too many players show up for a game session, registration sign-ups are given priority.
Snacks and refreshments are available to purchase, or players may bring in their own to enjoy during the game.
For any player who’d like more game info or want to avoid potentially offensive/upsetting subject matter and desire going over community gaming safety tools with the Dungeon Master prior to playing, we recommend either arriving early to the game, or reaching out and contacting the DM. You may contact us and we can facilitate connecting you with the DM, or all DMs may be reached directly on our Discord channel (let us know who/what game you’re looking for, and we’ll help you from there if they don’t contact you first).
Questions? Comments? Want to stay in the loop? We invite you to join us on the Mana Cloud discord, where you can directly reach out to the DMs or community at any time!